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The Files Are In the Computer

The Files Are In the Computer

Co-Worker #1 to Dumb Co-Worker #2: Do you keep a list of all vendors that we use regularly and have used recently?
Dumb Co-Worker #2: Yes – I keep an Excel sheet that I update every time I send out a payment.
Co-Worker #1: Where do you keep it?
Dumb Co-Worker #2: In Excel.
Co-Worker #1: No – not what kind of document is it… I know you keep it as an Excel sheet since you just told me that, but where do you save it?
Dumb Co-Worker #2: I don’t print it. I just save it electronically.
Co-Worker #1: Okay, so where do you save it electronically?
Dumb Co-Worker #2: In Excel.
Co-Worker #1: What drive do you save it on…the shared network drive; your personal network drive or your computer’s hard drive; and in what folder and what did you name it?
Dumb Co-Worker #2: I don’t know.
anonymous Office December 20, 2019 at 4:52 pm 0
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