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Random Confession

It s like talking to a wall

Me: We are getting some good feedback from our customers. This has never happened before. I really think we should do more while the tide is high. How about paying our interns a little more to work extra or hiring another intern? I'm no proponent of free labor and I think the payment could enhance the quality of our products, too.
ED: I don't want us doing something beyond our capacity. Interns work for free all the time. Don't feel sorry for not paying them enough. They are "interns."
Me: But don't we owe it to our customers to deliver our products more efficiently and in better quality? I'm willing to overwork. I think our company is at a pivotal moment! I have some ideas for potential partnerships that could be pretty lucrative.
ED: Again, we aren't doing anything that's beyond our capacity.

Jaime Office November 10, 2020 at 9:29 pm 2

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