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Heading West to Go East

Heading West to Go East

Dumb Co-Worker #1 (who has lived in Brooklyn for 50 years and worked in Manhattan for 30 years -while working on the East Side near 32nd St. and Lexington Avenue): I have to go to a meeting at the East 71st Street office and the directions say to take the B train uptown and then take the crosstown bus to the east side.
Co-Worker #2: That doesn’t make any sense. The B train uptown will let you off at West 72nd Street. Those directions were probably sent out for the people who work in the West side office.
Dumb Co-Worker #1: How do I get to East 71st Street?
Co-Worker #2: Take the 6 train on the east side up town.
Dumb Co-Worker #1: Are you sure about that.
Co-Worker #2: Yes – just check the NYC subway map on the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority Website. Just type into Google search, NYC MTA.
Dumb Co-Worker #1: Okay – so that is MCA?
Co-Worker #2: No – its NYC MTA as in Metropolitan Transit.
Dumb Co-Worker #1: What does the NYC stand for?
Dumb Co-Worker #1: Okay – I am on the MTA website – now what do I do?
Co-Worker #2: Click on the link that reads – MTA Subway Map.
Dumb Co-Worker #1: Okay – I am looking at the subway map and it still shows that the B train goes up the West side.
Co-Worker #1: That is why I am saying you should take the 6 train on the East side since you are already here on the east side.
Dumb Co-Worker #1: But the 6 train only lets me off at East 69th Street and then I’ll have to walk up two blocks and west two blocks to get to the building. I think it might be better if I just follow the directions to take the B train.
Co-Worker #1: So, let me see if I understand this correctly…You think it is better to walk 4 and 1/2 blocks west along 32nd street to get to the B train entrance at 6th Avenue on the west side, then take the B train 5 stops to West 72nd street and then transfer to the 72nd street crosstown bus and take that bus 4 stops to go back over to the east side, then walk down 1 block and over half a block; than it is to just take the 6 train (which is half a block from where we are sitting right now) to 69th street and walk 4 blocks?
Dumb Co-Worker #1: (No reply – just a blank stare).
Co-Worker #2: Look at the subway map that you have up in front of you on your computer monitor screen and you tell me which of the two options makes more sense.
Dumb Co-Worker #1: The corporate office didn’t send a map. They just sent the directions to take the B train.
anonymous Office December 20, 2019 at 5:04 pm 2
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